Alien Species

In the post last week about marine pollution we talked about that marine debris can be a new means of transport for species to cross the globe. What is alien species or invasive species. we hear more and more about it, but what are they? And what does it really mean. Alien species are organisms READ MORE

Another great day with common dolphins

Common dolphins are despite the name, the dolphins that we see the least in Plettenberg Bay. When they come into the bay looking for food it looks like the ocean is boiling. This is due to the fact that they feed in big groups and are fast swimmers. On yesterday’s 12h00 trip we had the READ MORE

Connection over great distances

For the last year Siyakula pre-school has regular skype calls with a school in Spain called SEK Alboran.  They have helped with repairs of the school, creating chalk boards so all the children can practice their writing skills, and also came to visit this year. During the skype calls the children get the chance to READ MORE

Interesting facts on fish species

There are over 25,000 identified species of fish on the earth, but it is believed that there might still be over 15,000 fish species that have not yet been identified. There are more species of fish then all the species of amphibians (frogs), reptiles, birds and mammals combined.

Bottlenose dolphin encounter

This Sunday we had a good day at sea. On the 09h30 trip we had 3 Brydes whales off the point of Robberg Peninsula and one of them decided to come up 3 meters from  the boat. On the 12h00 trip we found a bog group of Bottlenose dolphins paying in the surf at Keurbooms.

Marine debris/marine pollution

Marine pollution is the trash that we put into the ocean and can be anything from fishing equipment to toys and plastic bags. How can this be a problem? When we throw trash away, it should be recycled or given back to nature. What we don’t take into consideration is how long it takes for READ MORE

Bottlenose dolphins

Bottlenose dolphins love to play in the surf zone along the Keurbooms Beach. But when we encounter them in the middle of the bay they swim with the boat and surf in front of it.

Siyakula pre-school

Last year we got a donation to make chalk boards for the children at Siyakula pre-school and they have been well used.  Now all the children have a chance to practice their letters and numbers.

African Black Oyster Catcher

The African Black Oyster Catcher is a common, endemic resident species and was the second most threatened bird species in South Africa. How did we get them back in number?, we banned 4-wheel driving on the beaches.