Over the past few months we have had some really fantastic sightings of humpback whales Megaptera novaeangliae on our boat trips! You may wonder if the whales are still around, and yes, they are! We have been getting our best sightings of the whales off the point of Robberg as they are seldom inside the READ MORE
We have had some great trips over the last few days with humpback whales migrating past Plettenberg Bay. The whales approached the boat, slapping their tails and flippers and occasionally swimming right underneath us. Humpbacks are known for being active and charismatic whales that often put on spectacular aerial performances.
We had an amazing experience today on our 9.30 boat trip where we had a juvenile Humpback whale swimming past the Lookout rocks towards the Robberg Peninsula.
We had an amazing trips with with 3 humpback whales playing around the boat this weekend.
The last week we had amazing sightings on Humpback whales in Plettenberg Bay. They are giving the guests on the boats great shows with tail and flipper slapping.
Yesterday we had between 20 & 30 Humpback whales 3km off the Point of Robberg. It looks like we are going to have a great Humpback whale season this year as reports coming in from Transkei (east coast) are that there are up to plus minus 100 Humpback whales currently passing the coast, moving south READ MORE
In our opinion this season has been the best in terms of Humpback whale sightings.There has not been a single trip where we have not seen these “angels of the sea” and soon you’ll be able to hear them too. A new hydrophone has been ordered and will be in operation soon. Male Humpback READ MORE
What an awesome experience!!! Yesterday on our 12h00 boat trip we had our first encounter on a Humpback whale. A few of our guests were quite emotional when they experienced how gentle this majestic mammal was. This whale was very playful, swimming alongside the boat then diving underneath, giving the guests an experience of a READ MORE
“Picture of the day” On our 07h30 whale watching trip we were fortunate to find 3 humpback whales ± 8 kilometers off Beacon Island. We followed these animals for ± 1 kilometer, heading due south. On returning into the bay we encountered ± 15 Bottlenose dolphins playing in the surf of the River Mouth. READ MORE
“Picture of the day” On our 09h30 boat trip we were fortunate to find 4 Humpback whales. Our guests were kept entertained for 30 minutes with whales breaching ± 30 meters from the boat and playing on the surface. We will be running whale watching trips throughout December and January.