Off Southern Africa two species of common dolphin can be found, long-beaked (Delphinus capensis) and short-beaked (Delphinus delphis). Until fairly recently, both were considered to be the same species with great variation in appearance, but due to many years of research, are now treated as separate species. The home ranges of the two species over-lap, READ MORE
Common dolphins are despite the name, the dolphins that we see the least in Plettenberg Bay. When they come into the bay looking for food it looks like the ocean is boiling. This is due to the fact that they feed in big groups and are fast swimmers. On yesterday’s 12h00 trip we had the READ MORE
“Picture of the day” Yesterday evening at 17h00 a big shoal of pilchards was pushed into the day by ± 1000 Common dolphins and 5 – 6 Brydes whales. This feeding frenzy went on until about 17h30 until the dolphins rounded the point of Robberg on their way to Knysna.
“Picture of the day” On our 09h30 trip today we encountered a pod of ±250 – 300 common dolphins moving towards the corner of Robberg. These animals kept our guests on vessel Gaia entertained for at least 30 minutes before leaving the bay and moving on to Knysna. While following these common dolphins, we had READ MORE
“Picture of the day” On Friday the 13th April we woke up to find our bay full of life. We launched our first boat at 09h30 and proceeded towards the Keurbooms River Mouth where we approached our first group of Common dolphin’s ±2000 with thousands of Gannets and ±20 to 30 Brydes whales feeding. We READ MORE
“Picture of the day” With the strong easterly winds blowing yesterday vast shoals of pilchards & mackerel moved into our bay to feed on the plankton rich water that had been blown in. With this came the Gannets, Common dolphins and Brydes whales.
“Picture of the day” For the last couple of days we have been very lucky to have various pods of Common dolphins feeding in our Bay. The groups have ranged between 150 and ±1500. We also had Brydes whales feeding with them and yesterday afternoon, we had a group of 7 lunge feeding between the READ MORE
“Picture of the day” Another awesome trip on the ocean!!! Today on our 09h30 boat trip we encountered a pod of ± 500 Common dolphins, busy feeding at Dune Park. After about 5 minutes they were joined by 5 Brydes whales a few Cape Fur Seals and Cape Gannets.
“Picture of the day” We had a pod of ±2000 common dolphins in the bay this morning. We also had Brydes whales feeding in the bay. These dolphins are associated with diving seabirds (particularly Cape Gannets), Penguins and Brydes whales – all feeding on the same small pelagic fish (pilchard, herring, squid etc.)
“Picture of the day” At last the Brydes whales have arrived in our bay. We are so lucky in Plettenberg Bay to be able to have whales throughout the year. Brydes normally don’t show themselves like Humpback’s and Southern Rights. Normally you just spot the dorsal fin on it’s back or their blows. The average READ MORE