The ocean is a noisy place, as, unlike light and other possible stimuli, sound can travel very efficiently in seawater. Anthropogenic noise pollution in the marine environment is becoming a large concern – underwater noise created by ships and other human-related sources can be detected many kilometres away, far beyond what would be seen or READ MORE
We had a fantastic week last week with some special visitors making their way past Plettenberg Bay, and only one boat full of passengers were lucky enough to see them! I am talking about a pod of 7 orcas, or killer whales, which were sighted roughly 4 nautical miles from the coast – what an READ MORE
Probably made famous by the deep-thinking and entertaining Will and Bill from Happy Feet Two, krill are small shrimp-like crustaceans that play a big role in our ecosystems. Euphausids, or krill, comprise a group of about 85 species worldwide, and though there are many species in southern Africa it is unfortunately not common to see READ MORE
While most people excitedly anticipate the arrival of the humpback and southern right whales sometime during June or July their migration from sub-antarctic waters, many may forget or overlook our near shore resident species, the Bryde’s whale Balaenoptera brydei. Both the humpback and southern right whales are bigger in size, personality, approachability, and visibility than READ MORE
Come June, eyes are kept peeled for that elusive blow as boat trips start taking a turn off the point and further to sea searching, and hoping, for the first sighting of a Humpback Whale Megaptera novaeangliae. Humpback Whales are large animals, measuring 13-14 m in length and weighing 30-40 tonnes. They have a big READ MORE
We are very excited to announce that the first Southern Right Whale of the season has been sighted in our beautiful Plettenberg Bay! It is always so exciting to see the first whale of the season, though all sightings are awe-inspiring and fantastic, there is something special about that first sighting after months of not READ MORE
Beginning in the late Summer and early Autumn, we at Ocean Blue Adventures are always excited in anticipation of seeing Humpback Whales passing Plettenberg Bay on their annual breeding migration. Initially, the whales can be seen heading north as they travel to the tropical and sub-tropical waters of northern Mozambique, southern Tanzania and Madagascar READ MORE
About a month ago a white Southern Right whale calf was spotted in Port Elizabeth. It arrived in Plettenberg Bay and was spotted with its mother on our 7H30 trip this morning.” White” whales (albinos) are a rare sight and do normally not survive because they are easily spotted by predators.
The whales arrived. During the past week we had great encounters on humpback whales. We found them in groups of 2-3 animals. They are busy migrating north towards Madagascar and their breeding ground so they are traveling with a great speed and deep dives giving the guests amazing tail shots.
On Sundays 9.30 trip we had a great sighting on a pod of Humpback dolphins at Keurbooms beach. Through photo identification our researcher concluded that it is the same pod that was spotted earlier in the week. En-route from the Keurbooms beach to the seal colony we spotted a Bryde’s whale. Bryde’s whales are the READ MORE