
Weekend weather update

Weather prediction for this week is: Friday 22nd January 2016 Temperature: Min. 21°C Max. 23°C Water Temperature: 20°C Sun Factor: Cloudy with 0.3mm rain in the evening Wind Speed: 10km/h SE am; 32 km/h SE pm Swell: 1.6m SW am; 1.8m SSW pm Tides high 03h02 15h15 Tides Low 09h01 21h25 Saturday 23rd January 2016 READ MORE

Weekend weather update

  Weather prediction for this week is: Saturday 07th November 2015 Temperature: Min. 17°C Max. 20°C Water Temperature: 17°C Sun Factor: Cloudy Wind Speed: 6km/h SW am; 22 km/h SSW pm Swell: 1.6m SW am; 1.6m SW pm Tides high 01h23 13h41 Tides Low 07h20 19h55 Sunday 08th November 2015 Temperature: Min. 19°C Max. 20°C READ MORE

Ocean Blue weekend whale sightings

The weekend proved to be a great time for us. On every trip that we went out, our guests were spoilt with awesome sightings of Humpback whales and Brydes whales. The Humpback whales were the most entertaining as they lob-tailed, spy-hopped, slapped their pectoral fins and breached       Â