“Picture of the day” Today on our 09h30 boat trip we had 3 Southern Right whales 2 at First Dune, Plettenberg Bay and another 1 at Keurbooms Village. These whales were very relaxed. On our way to the Seal colony, we were entertained by the Elephant Seal who is still visiting our bay.
“Picture of the day” One of 3 Southern Right whales spotted off Keurbooms Village on our 09h30 trip this morning. After being entertained by these 3 whales, we moved across to the Seal colony on the Robberg Peninsula and while en-route we encountered, 4 African Black Footed Penguins, 2 Shy Albatrosses, and numerous Cape Cormorants. READ MORE
“Picture of the day” Today we, the Ocean Blue crew had another exciting day on the ocean. On our 09h30 boat trip, we had 3 Southern Right whales, ±5 Humpback whales and 5 Brydes whales.
“Picture of the day” One of a group of eight Southern Right whales at First Dune, Keurbooms in Plettenberg Bay. After all the rough sea conditions our bay has now flattened out giving us great sightings of these fantastic mammals.
Another Southern Right whale moving into the bay. We currently have 5 Southern Right whales plus 2 mother and new-born calves. We are so lucky to have this pristine Bay for mothers to have their calves and rear them before moving back down south.
We encountered a total of 7 Southern Right whales and 1 Brydes whale on our 09h30 boat trip. These whales then split up and 15 minutes later we had one breaching seven times. What a great trip with Ocean Blue!!!
A Southern Right Whale breaching near the Keurbooms River mouth. We were fortunate to see this whale breaching 12 times on our 9h30 trip this morning. We currently have 12 whales in the Bay
On our 09h30 close encounter whale watching trip this morning, we encountered a total of 8 Southern Right whales. Even though we had choppy sea conditions our clients still had a fantastic trip. Conditions are looking very good for tomorrow and Thursday and our first trip is at 09h30 followed by 12h00 and 14h30.
A female Southern Right whale spotted off Arch Rock at Keurbooms strand in Plettenberg Bay. This is 1 of 3 Southern Right whales currently in the bay. We also spotted a Humpback whale breaching in the middle of the bay +100 -150 Bottlenose dolphins off Keurbooms Village. What a great day in Plett!!!