Over the last month or so, some of Plettenberg Bay’s inhabitants may have noticed the occasional presence of a somewhat strange looking vessel within and around the bay. This vessel, it turns out, belongs to South Africa’s demersal shark longlining fishery. This fishery is relatively small, with only six permit-holders off the South African coastline, READ MORE
There are roughly 100 shark species in southern Africa, and while most of them are very rarely seen and are harmless, Great White Sharks Carcharodon carcharias are of the more infamous of these species particularly due to its perceived aggressive nature. This shark species is one you will recognize on sight. It has a blue-grey READ MORE
Spotted Ragged-tooth sharks (Carcharias taurus), also known as sand tiger or grey nurse sharks can be found along the south and east coast of South Africa. They are usually found alone or in small groups, but can aggregate in groups of 20-80 individuals. Raggies are mostly found hovering motionless just above the seabed near shallow READ MORE