No one likes to arrive at the beach to find a layer of sea foam on the shoreline, in the waves, or further out behind the breakers – especially if it is a disconcerting brown or yellow colour! Foams, however, are global in their presence in the aquatic natural environment including on streams, rivers, lakes, READ MORE
How frustrating is it to have a conversation while someone is jackhammering nearby? Or drilling perhaps? You have to raise your voice, repeat your words, and even then the person you are talking to might misunderstand what you are trying to convey. Or perhaps your response is that of my Mom’s regarding my music habits READ MORE
The smooth plough shell Bullia rhodostoma is a whelk (sea snail) commonly found along our coastline, often scavenging off washed up jellyfish and blue bottles. This species is extremely slow growing and only reaches a maximum size of 5.5cm. They grow quite rapidly in the first year, reaching 1cm in size, but it takes 10 READ MORE
Last night our male seahorse gave birth to 40 babies that can now be seen in our aquariums at Ocean Blue. Sea horses are special fish since the male carry the babies in a pouch on their stomach and give birth.