When joining Ocean Blue on a township tour during the week the highlight is to see Qolweni´s nursery school and Pre-school. The children are always happy to see new faces and get the chance to make someone smile with songs or just giving hugs to willing participants.
On trips with Ocean Blue Adventures we always see the Cape Fur Seals, either swimming out in the bay looking for food, or at their colony at Robberg Peninsula. We are lucky to have seals around in Plettenberg Bay throughout the year, since all animals were hunted out in the beginning 1900’s. At that point READ MORE
We still have Humpback whales passing on their southerly migration. According to records a Humpback whale was spotted off Margate on 14 November with shark netting and a buoy attached to it. All NSRI stations were notified along the coastline to keep a look out for this whale. This still shows that there are lots READ MORE
How close are we allowed to the whales? This is a FAQ we get from the guests and towns folk. Each whale watching company has 1 permitted close encounter vessel. The vessel is allowed to be 50m from the whales and we are only allowed to spend 20 minuted with the whales. It is important to READ MORE
In our opinion this season has been the best in terms of Humpback whale sightings.There has not been a single trip where we have not seen these “angels of the sea” and soon you’ll be able to hear them too. A new hydrophone has been ordered and will be in operation soon. Male Humpback READ MORE
Yesterday was a great day to see Southern Right whales. A total of 6 gentle giants were enjoyed by guests on the first trip and then again on the second trip. These slow moving mammals are here to mate and give birth. This behavior makes for great viewing and awesome photos.
“Picture of the day” At last the Brydes whales have arrived in our bay. We are so lucky in Plettenberg Bay to be able to have whales throughout the year. Brydes normally don’t show themselves like Humpback’s and Southern Rights. Normally you just spot the dorsal fin on it’s back or their blows. The average READ MORE
“Picture of the day” In the 1950’s the population of the Cape Fur Seal in Plettenberg Bay was 10 000. By the early 1980’s, their numbers had been reduced to 0. Currently we have a population of between 4000-5000 Seals. Facts on Cape Fur Seals: They can dive up to 250meters Can hold their breath READ MORE
“Picture of the day” Humpback whales spotted off Nature’s Valley heading towards Plettenberg Bay. Two Brydes whales were also spotted off Keurbooms Village feeding on a patch of baitfish. With these south easterly winds blowing lots of baitfish has moved into our bay following clean, nutrient rich water.
“Picture of the day” We had another great day of whale watching in Plettenberg Bay. ± 20 Humpback whales were spotted on our 12h00 and 14h30 trip yesterday. Interesting fact: 3 Humpback whales have been radio tagged off the Comores. If you would like to monitor their movements pass the South African coastline, log onto READ MORE