Although shy and somewhat elusive, the Indian Ocean humpback dolphin (Sousa plumbea) is commonly sighted in Plettenberg Bay’s nearshore waters. These dolphins can often be seen swimming along the Keurbooms and Robberg beaches, alone or in small groups of between 2 and 15 individuals. Humpback dolphins can be readily distinguished from other dolphins by the READ MORE
Over the past few weeks we have seen both our migrant whale species come into Plettenberg Bay, bringing the number of whale species in these waters up to three. It is often easy to focus on our more ‘personable’ migrant whale species that visit our bay, and forget our incredible but shy resident. The Bryde’s READ MORE
Beginning in the late Summer and early Autumn, we at Ocean Blue Adventures are always excited in anticipation of seeing Humpback Whales passing Plettenberg Bay on their annual breeding migration. Initially, the whales can be seen heading north as they travel to the tropical and sub-tropical waters of northern Mozambique, southern Tanzania and Madagascar READ MORE
Over the past few weeks we have started to see humpback whales passing through Plettenberg Bay on their southerly migration to their feeding grounds in the Antarctic Circle. Humpback whales frequently lift their tails above the water before diving which is always a beautiful sight. Did you know that the white pattern on the underside READ MORE
The whales arrived. During the past week we had great encounters on humpback whales. We found them in groups of 2-3 animals. They are busy migrating north towards Madagascar and their breeding ground so they are traveling with a great speed and deep dives giving the guests amazing tail shots.