“Picture of the day” At last the Brydes whales have arrived in our bay. We are so lucky in Plettenberg Bay to be able to have whales throughout the year. Brydes normally don’t show themselves like Humpback’s and Southern Rights. Normally you just spot the dorsal fin on it’s back or their blows. The average READ MORE
“Picture of the day” What an awesome trip!!! Today on our 12h00 boat trip we encountered Brydes whales just off the Point of Robberg. We also had ± 10 White Chinned Petrels circling above the boat for at least 5 minutes and at the seal colony we had our regular visitor, the Elephant Seal. En-route READ MORE
“Picture of the day” Today we had the most awesome dolphin sightings!!! On our 12h00 trip we saw ±500 common dolphins as well as 3 Brydes whales and a flock of Gannets. The dolphins and the Brydes whales were feeding.
“Picture of the day” On our 09h30 trip today we were lucky enough to encounter 11 Humpback whales and 2 Brydes whales. Ocean Blue is going to offer whale watching trips right throughout December due to the fact that the Humpback migration south is a lot later than normal.
“Picture of the day” Humpback whales spotted off Nature’s Valley heading towards Plettenberg Bay. Two Brydes whales were also spotted off Keurbooms Village feeding on a patch of baitfish. With these south easterly winds blowing lots of baitfish has moved into our bay following clean, nutrient rich water.
“Picture of the day” Today we, the Ocean Blue crew had another exciting day on the ocean. On our 09h30 boat trip, we had 3 Southern Right whales, ±5 Humpback whales and 5 Brydes whales.