While one can imagine a young Ariel using one of these items as a purse, they are not well suited to this role on land. Commonly called mermaids purses, these items are in fact egg cases from a variety of species of sharks, skates and rays (elasmobranchs). Fertilisation of the egg occurs inside the female’s READ MORE
Many of us may have experienced the disappointment of picking up a beautiful shell on the beach only to find it inhabited by a sea creature, frequently a hermit crab, requiring it to be returned to the ocean. There are over 800 described species of hermit crabs, ten legged crustaceans with a soft abdomen, most READ MORE
While out on whale watching tour last week we were fortunate enough to experience a rare encounter with a Minke whale Balaenoptera bonaerensis, the smallest species of rorqual or baleanopterid whales. The Minke whale, like its close relative the Bryde’s whale, is known to be a shy animal as demonstrated by the individual we encountered. READ MORE
Bryde’s whales are South Africa’s only resident whale species that doesn’t migrate south in summer. During the past week our guests have been extremely lucky to have seen a few Bryde’s whales during our boat trips. They are usually very shy and normally only surface a few times before taking a dive and swimming away READ MORE
The Siyakula pre-school and Ocean Blue would like to thank everyone that has done a township tour with us. With your help and donations we can give back to the Qolweni community and help the children to a brighter future. To make this happen, teachers are needed to educate the children. Money from township tours READ MORE