What is baleen?

  There are two types of whales in the world’s oceans, Toothed whales (Odontoceti) and Baleen whales (Mysticeti). As the name says toothed whales have teeth and baleen whales have baleen. The word baleen comes from the Latin word Bālaena, which is related to the Greek word Phalaina and means whale. There are four families READ MORE

What is mutualism?

Mutualism is when two organisms of different species exist in a relationship where both individuals benefit from each other and is a type of symbiotic relationship. One well-known mutualistic relationship in the ocean is the one between Corals and their zooxanthellae. Corals form their calcium skeleton and the zooxanthellae lives in the skeleton. The benefit READ MORE

What is commensalism?

In earlier posts we discussed different relationships between animals (mutualism and parasitism). The last type of relationship between organisms is commensalism. Commensalism means “eating at the same table” and is when one organism benefits from another organism without affecting it. Compared to mutualism and parasitism, commensalism is hard to give examples of since it’s hard READ MORE

What is Bio-mimicry?

Bio-mimicry comes from the Greek words bios (life) and mimesis (imitation). This happens when humans get inspired by animals or plants for inventions. Humans have used a lot of designs from nature. Birds and bats wings have inspired people to create airplanes. The wings of turbines are formed after the long flippers of Humpback Whales, READ MORE

How do animal relationships work?

There are two things that animals always strive after, to eat and reproduce. In some species the reproduction instinct is so strong that females starve themselves for their offspring. This is seen in Southern Right Whales that only eat 3 months of the year enabling them to give birth in warm, calm waters (for more READ MORE

Humpback whales entertaining our guests!

We had great Humpback Whale sightings on our boat trips with one whale playing (chasing) a seal around. They came up close to the boat and the seal seemed to enjoy the game as much as the whale. It’s amazing how different animal species can interact and play in the ocean.

Fact on Humpback Whales.

Humpback Whales (Megaptera novaeangliae) can grow up to 15m in length and weigh between 30-40 tonnes making it the 5th largest whale. They are normally found migrating single or in small groups aggregating in their feeding and breeding grounds. Humpback whales can live to 60 years or older. They are grey/black on their dorsal and READ MORE

How do animals regulate their body temperature?

For an animal to keep the right body temperature they use thermo regulation. Thermo regulation is the ability to keep the optimal body temperature even when the surrounding temperature is different. A thermo conforming animal will adapt to the same temperature as their surrounding (like reptiles).” Why don’t all animals use thermo conformation?” Most animals READ MORE

Facts on Loggerhead Turtles.

Loggerhead Turtles (Caretta caretta) are found in tropical waters all over the world. Loggerhead Turtles are a part of the marine reptile family (Cheloniidae) and got their name from their exceptionally large head with a heavy, strong jaw. Loggerhead Turtles carapace (back) is reddish-brown in color and heart-shaped with large non-overlapping scales. They have short, READ MORE

What is Bioaccumulation?

Bioaccumulation is when a harmful substance (pesticides or organic chemicals) gets absorbed by an organism at a higher rate than it can be excreted. “What is the problem with bioaccumulation?” When toxins gets absorbed at a higher rate than the body can get rid of it, the organism is at risk of chronic poisoning. Even READ MORE