
Can whales and dolphins get sunburn?

Whales migrate over long or small distances. Humpback whales and Southern Right whales come up from Antarctic waters during the southern hemispheres winter to give birth and breed. They also migrate to get away from the winter storms, but will face a larger problem in our waters (the sun). Whales can get sun burnt, so READ MORE

Imagination is a good friend

One of the best ways of learning things at a young age is through games and imagination. At the Siyakula pre-school we try to implement this every day.  One of the games we play with the kids is taking a walk through the jungle to meet new friends or go for a snorkel in the READ MORE

Animal friendships

Most of us had contact with animals one way or another. We interact with them when going on game drives, zoos, whale and dolphin watching boats or have them as pets. What’s interesting and fascinating with animals is their behavior and similarities to us. Most similarities between humans and animals are seen in mammals since READ MORE

Amazing bird sightings

It’s always an adventure going on a boat trip with Ocean Blue. While cruising in search of whales, other wild life like fish and birds can be seen e.g. flocks of Cormorants flying around, curious Kelp gulls looking for something to eat or magnificent Albatrosses gliding through the air like there is no wind stopping READ MORE

Sustainable fishing

There is a lot of fishing equipment and methods used today to get fish for us to eat e.g. fishing from the rocks with fishing rods or big boats going out with nets. Today it’s a big thing to know what fish we eat and where it comes from. Lists have been established for most READ MORE

Cape clawless otter

When walking along the Plettenberg Bay beaches animal tracks can be seen in the sand. They can be from Mongooses, dogs, cats, birds and otters.  There are 13 species of otters in the world. They are closely related to the honey badgers and wolverines and lives in both marine and fresh water. In the Western READ MORE

Why males and females of the same species look different

Sexual dimorphism is a phenotypic difference between males and females of the same species. This means that there are obvious differences between the male and female. The major difference is the genitalia proving if it is a male or female, but in a lot of species there are often secondary sex characteristics, such as size READ MORE

Humpback whale encounters

The whales arrived. During the past week we had great encounters on humpback whales.  We found them in groups of 2-3 animals. They are busy migrating north towards Madagascar and their breeding ground so they are traveling with a great speed and deep dives giving the guests amazing tail shots.  

A big thank you

The Siyakula pre-school and Ocean Blue would like to thank everyone that has done a township tour with us. With your help and donations we can give back to the Qolweni community and help the children to a brighter future. To make this happen, teachers are needed to educate the children. Money from township tours READ MORE