“Picture of the day” On Monday 16th April we had our second Southern Right whale passing through the bay for 2012. Guests were entertained on Robberg Beach with this whale breaching up to 5 to 6 times ± 2kilometers off the Beacon Island moving towards the Point of Robberg. Today on both our 09h30 and READ MORE
“Picture of the day” On Friday the 13th April we woke up to find our bay full of life. We launched our first boat at 09h30 and proceeded towards the Keurbooms River Mouth where we approached our first group of Common dolphin’s ±2000 with thousands of Gannets and ±20 to 30 Brydes whales feeding. We READ MORE
“Picture of the day” After not being able to get to sea for two days due to strong winds and rain, this did not affect our dolphins at all. On launching at 09h30 this morning, we picked up a group of 40 – 50 Bottlenose dolphins other side the Keurbooms River Mouth. We followed them READ MORE
“Picture of the day” With the strong easterly winds blowing yesterday vast shoals of pilchards & mackerel moved into our bay to feed on the plankton rich water that had been blown in. With this came the Gannets, Common dolphins and Brydes whales.
“Picture of the day” For the last couple of days we have been very lucky to have various pods of Common dolphins feeding in our Bay. The groups have ranged between 150 and ±1500. We also had Brydes whales feeding with them and yesterday afternoon, we had a group of 7 lunge feeding between the READ MORE
“Picture of the day” Another awesome trip on the ocean!!! Today on our 09h30 boat trip we encountered a pod of ± 500 Common dolphins, busy feeding at Dune Park. After about 5 minutes they were joined by 5 Brydes whales a few Cape Fur Seals and Cape Gannets.
“Picture of the day” On our 09h30 boat trip this morning we picked up a nice pod of dolphins ±100-150, moving from Grootbank towards Keurbooms Village, surfing and playing in the waves. They kept our guests entertained for 20 minutes. We then moved off and came across a small group of very rare Indo-Pacific Humpback READ MORE
“Picture of the day” We had a pod of ±2000 common dolphins in the bay this morning. We also had Brydes whales feeding in the bay. These dolphins are associated with diving seabirds (particularly Cape Gannets), Penguins and Brydes whales – all feeding on the same small pelagic fish (pilchard, herring, squid etc.)
“Picture of the day” The Elephant Seal basking in the sun with the Cape Fur Seals. The Elephant Seal is part of the true seal family and differ from the fur seal in several ways. Firstly, they don’t have fur, second they do not have external ear flaps; third they only have incisors on the READ MORE
“Picture of the day” In this picture, our vessel Damara beaching, after yet another fantastic trip on the ocean. Today we had many excited phone calls about Orca’s in the bay. Upon further investigation we were able to determine that the animals that caused so much excitement were in fact the offshore species of Bottlenose READ MORE